Monday, September 29, 2008

Plate Update

Still in the sink.


Unknown said...

I really, really admire your commitment to this experiment. That said, I have a sad fact to share with you about men. (John Kenney and Mike Moran, if you're reading this, I of course don't mean you. I mean other men.) Men really don't see that stuff. It's like they have little spots on their corneas that block out filth that they themselves have created. They can't smell their stinky towels either, by the way. I am a proud heterosexual and there are a number of men who are very close to my heart, but they just don't see the dirty plates in the sink. They can't find anything but beer in the fridge. It's genetic. Sigh.
xo Aunt Mary

Unknown said...

Did someone say there's beer in the fridge?

Abby said...

I HAD to clean the plate...and the bowl...and the pot. I couldn't take it anymore. However, I look forward to participating in another experiment sometime soon with you, which i'm sure will end in one of us cleaning another plate. you have more will power/less neuroticism than me.
i like your aunt mary's comment too.