Clearly, this Christmas would be a little different. I decided a while back that instead of going home for my holiday break, I would travel around Central America with Abby. I figured, I am only down here for a little bit, might as well take advantage. Plus, I think if I went home, it’d be really really hard to come back. When I think about it, I miss home a lot, so I try and just avoid the subject.
But before I get into my Christmas break travels, I’d like to share with you the Christmas joy I experienced at school. Every year, HEM School has a Christmas Pageant of sorts where, similar to Thanksgiving, every grade performs some kind of dance/song/artistic expression to an auditorium full of fellow students and parents, grandparents, siblings, uncles, aunts, and any other relative word out there. Naturally, I helped the 10th graders with their performance. Every year the students tend to do similar things, a dance, a play, a song, blah blah blah. Being the spunky and out going kids the 10th graders are, they were completely down for doing something different. I truly lucked out getting these kids as my guide class. They are so fun to work with and remind me a bit of myself at that age…que precioso. Not to toot my own horn, but I came up with a great idea, just as I did with the 11th graders Thanksgiving skit. I know what you’re thinking, and yes, I am THAT good (and humble).
As we were brainstorming one day, the idea of a fashion show just came to me. Once I mentioned this, it was a done deal. They were so excited and thrilled that it would be something different and quite prepared to be the best act of the night. The two weeks coming up to the pageant we determined that our fashion show would be of all the different Christmas characters- Frosty, Rudolph, Candy Cane, Christmas Tree, Nutcracker, Angel, and of course Mr. and Mrs. Claus. Two of the girls, Mariel and Nicole would be the announcers, commenting on “the latest in Reindeer wear” and “the essential accessories of this year’s trendy Christmas Tree look.” All of the looks were “designed” by Jimena Cardona, one of the 10th graders, who would come out as the designer at the end. My Project Runway knowledge was imperative for me in directing this thing. Daniel, my little gay-who-would-never-say-he’s-gay-and-is-completely-spoken-out-about-his-anti-gay-views-10th grader was sure to help all of us design our costumes, download Christmas techno music, bring make up the night of the pageant, and of course, watch fashion TV to get some ideas. He was seriously the most enthusiastic one about this whole thing.
“MISSS! I watched da fashion tv yesterday to get ideas!”
“Miss not all of the costumes have to match exactly cause den it’s more fashionable dat way”
“MISS I can look for music online and bring in a CD”
“MISSSS why don’t we sing Mariah Carey at da end”
The best line came when he, some of the other students, and I went shopping for my costume. We picked out the paper to use and as we were standing in line to pay he says,
“Maybe we’ll get to be da next Victoria’s Secret fashion designers.”
Yes, Daniel. Maybe, just maybe, we will.
The weekend before the show, I invited all of the kiddies over to our house for a little costume-making Christmas party. I decorated the house, made brownies, and apple cider. It was quite domestic of me. The kids were SO cute. I love 10th grade, they just make me happy. The party officially began at 2:00pm but of course only socially awkward, Hugh came at 2 o’clock. The rest of the crew came around 3:00 or later. I was expecting them to stay no later than 5:00ish but a core group of them stayed until about 7:30pm! We totally lost track of time and Abby and I just had a ball hanging out, talking with, and getting to know them a little better. Lots of gossip was told and many heart to hearts were had. Technically, according to the school rules, we’re not supposed to spend time with our students outside of school. But just as we do with the other rules and restrictions, we didn’t follow this one either. I’m so glad too, because that was one of the best times I have had with the kids.
My domesticity comes out...
The 10th graders and me...the girls, as a rule, find it way too cool to actually smile.
Mario tries on Miriam's costume as Daniel perfects the design.
Miriam, Victoria, Janessa, David, and Mario- the stragglers at the end, gabbing the night away.
On the day of the pageant, the teachers were required to stay after school in order to set up chairs and decorate the auditorium. It was here that Abby, Cid, and I taught the HEM School teachers the great way of Henry Ford, capitalism, and America: the assembly line. It was a frustrating process, but by the end, I think they were getting it. The stupid part was the fact that there was any need for this freakin assembly line. Let me back up a moment. The first task item we had was to bring all of the kid’s desks from their classrooms into the auditorium. Hmm…remember how all the kids were doing nothing during the last period of school and just practicing their performances? Maybe, JUST MAYBE, we should have had them take 5 minutes and bring in their desks. Come on people. That would have saved us an hour! Ridiculous. I was so annoyed…as Abby can attest. It was one of those moments where all of your frustration has built up and Sarah-Organizational Studies Major- Miller could just not handle it any longer. But, I got past it and helped organize the assembly line for bringing in the desks. It was quite an ordeal to get people to stay in their assigned spots and just hand chairs to the person next to them. But, they finally got it. Sort of. Meh, I’ll take what I can get.
After a week of practicing our runway walk and our Mariah Carey sing along (All I Want For Christmas) the night of the show finally arrived. Naturally we were the last class to go in order to give a show stopper ending to the night. All of the classes did a good job…well…you know. The little ones were too adorable for words and the older kids ranged on a scale of too cool (8th grade) to completely hilarious (11th grade). I wish I had gotten a video of 11th grade because their act was so them and so classic. See pictures below. The entire show itself was a bit disorganized (surprised?) with emcee commentary that was muy aburrida…Robert MC would have done a number on Miss Triny. Not to mention it took approximately 7-10 minutes for each act to get up on stage and perform. We spent as much time watching as we did waiting around. None of this was unexpected though, so I just sat back and pretended to tell kids to be quiet, when really I didn’t care if they talked because I was just as bored as they were. But the 10th graders were just fabulous! They did not disappoint, and it was like a real fashion show! We had a white, lit up runway, perfectly techno-ed Christmas music, and the announcers and costumes were totally on point. I was ecstatic and I think the kids were too.
Getting ready back stage. Daniel (nutcracker), Stephanie (elf), Janessa (Rudolph), Marilyn (doll). Daniel was sure to point out the fact, that we were so special because we had our own classroom, all to ourselves to get ready. Clearly the stars of the show.
Me as un regalo with two of my favorites: Miriam (Christmas Tree) and Karen (Angel). Daniel said to put my bow askew as to be more fashionable. I didn't argue.
Karen licking Mario as the Candy Cane. I swear that's not dirty. Mario's costume was phenomenal!! I wish I had a better picture!
One of the pre-school classes "dancing" on stage. ADORABLE.
The 11th graders made themselves into midgets...can you see? As well as horses and donkeys (one guy as the head, one as the butt) and performed a traditional Christmas Spanish song. It was so creative and so funny.
And so the fashion show begins!
What better way to begin the night than Rudolph and her red nose shining the way. Here we have Janessa wearing a rich brown ensemble, different shades of chocolate and caramel, resulting in one gorgeous reindeer look.
(Be sure to note the announcers in the background, there.)
Ladies and genlemen, presenting, Frosty goes techno. David posing in a uber hip Frosty gettup.
And of course, no Christmas would be complete with out Old St. Nick and his little lady. Our special guests tonight...Mr. and Mrs. Claus!
So good, right?! To finish off the night, the entire school did their traditional rendition of “Silent Night” and “Joy to the World” in both Spanish and English. Each kid had a candle and in true HEM School form, no one had matches. Every single candle was lit off of Miss Diana’s candle who had previously been the Christmas Spirit in our fashion show. Totes typs, but whatever…nothing new. As all of the parents rushed up to the foot of the stage to take pictures and record video of their children singing Silent Night, Abby and I just sat back and took in the great splendor of the evening, and thanked God that it was almost over and only a few more days until our break. And so our night ended, singing the songs of Christmas and feeling the familial love all around. Made me want to watch Love Actually. It was weird not to be at home, but it was nice to feel the Christmas spirit and know that it is indeed universal.
I feel it in my fingas…I feel it in my toes…If you really love Christmas…come on and let it snooow…*
*Use British Accent
(10 points- name this movie.)
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