As many of you know, for Christmas break I embarked upon a two and a half week journey around Central America. In brief, here's what happened:
- Visa was extended to the wrong date- good story. good times.
- Abby's sister's plane delayed twice because of Chicago snow
- My friend Brett came in to San Pedro Sula, I got there late, so did his plane
- Mom sent me my stocking, had an early Christmas present opening session before we left
- Copan Ruinas
- saw and held parrots, toucans, macaws, and other sweet birds at the bird park

- Stayed at Cid's uncle's hostel- Blue Iguana. Some of the rules included "No wild sex after 3:00am," "No drugs after 2:00am," "Only 3 people in a shower at one time." None of these occurred while I was there.
- Hot showers
- Partied at Red Frog- beer ponged it old school style
- Ran into Abby's friend, Ari from UC Santa Cruz- her and her friend, Pat are bicycling from Baja California to Panama
- Met cool PC Volunteer- Courtney...improved my impression of the PC
- Saw the ruins with the crew for the second time- nothing's changed, but still sweet

- Ran into almost all of my students who live in Copan-- good kids
- Took Gringo shuttle to Ranchero, Guatemala (5 hours)
- Got yelled at and threatened by Guatemalan border officers
- Tampered with government documents
- Took local shuttle to Coban, Guatemala- road in a 16 seater van with at least 30 other locals
- Finally made it to Coban, ate at a lovely Italian restaurant with a super sweet Guatamalen lady to take care of us
- advertised "hot water," in reality, cold water
- Shuttle to Semuc Champey-- another squishy ride (2.5 hours)
- Abby sat next to a pig
- my hand sanitizer got plenty of use
- Came THIS THIS THIS close to leaving my passport in the hotel
- Arrive in Semuc Champey- freakin middle of nowhere. BEAUTIFUL
- Stay here for 3 days in a wooden cabin
- cold showers
- good number of misquitos bites
- Giant taranchula in our room

- Explored caves with only a Mayan mountain man and a candle, coolest thing I've ever done
- Bought homemade chocolate bars from mal nourished Mayan children
- WAS IN PARADISE. Semuc Champey- incredible
- hiked a tough, unexpected 30 minute trail in flip flops to el mirador
- was SO worth it
- Swam in the emerald hot spring pools with the fishys

- Played go fishy
- Played euchre
- Played Sweedish Idiot
- Played spoons
- hung out and joked around with the local workers
- understood Spanish!
- Relaxed in hammocks
- Met some cool Canadians, an awkward Canadian, a Dutch man, Norwegians, and crazy hippie American without a passport: Jerrod, call me "Bear"
- Road in the back of a pick up truck through the mountains of Guatemala

- Shuttled to Antigua, Guatemala
- Picked up 15 new passengers on the way, black market style- another squishy, smelly ride
- Enjoyed an evening in Colonial Antigua- beautiful

- witnessed cute Mayan vendor ladies "running" from la policia
- Bargained with shuttle companies
- Chilled at the Black Cat hostel/Umbabumba Hostel (or something like that)
- Made friends with Luis the head hostel guy
- coldish showers
- Bus to El Salvador and then Nicaragua
- Discovered that El Salvadorians are nice, El Salvadorian border officers are assholes
- Tica Bus has air conditioning
- hotel in San Salvador hooked us up. Watched Legally Blonde 2 on our TV
- Managua bus station es loco
- Granada is brightly colored

- Bearded Monkey is an awesome hostel
- coldish showers, but it felt good
- All hostels in Central America are named [insert adjective] [insert animal]
- Granada has a lot of old churches
- By this time, aquired about 40 misquito bites
- scratched a lot
- walked all around HOT Granada looking for Tica Bus
- It was way too far too walk
- But we walked anyway
- Mistake
- Went crazy souvenier shopping in the Masaja artisan craft market outside of Granada

- In one day, ate bbq ribs, Louisianan Jambalaya, fresh salad, fried shrimp cocktail
- Partied with the classic combination of Granadan Gliteroti and the Cargo Short Clad Backpackers for New Years at "El Club" and danced the night away
- Was offered an iPhone as a gift from my Granadan dance partner who definitely lied about his age to seem older
- I did not accept the iPhone.
- I should have.
- Left Granada a day early due to passport difficulties
- Tica Bussed it to Liberia, Costa Rica
- Danced with Abby on the border of Nicaragua & Costa Rica in celebration of getting past
- Stayed the night in Liberia with a cockroach...and a TV!
- Cold shower
- New Years Day- nothing was open, had a choice of chinese food, chinese food, and chinese food for dinner
- Ate really disgusting chinese food, REALLY disgusting
- Found an ice cream shop that was open, remedied the situation
- Local bussed it to Playa Tanmarindo...damn my Nicaraguan giant souveniers
- Had major issues finding our hostel
- Found our hostel
- coldish shower but felt good
- Slept all afternoon
- Gabbed with fellow backpackers - Wales, Australia, England, Ireland, Canadian (French & English), Argentinian, U.S.

- Relax, relax, relax
- Beach, beach, beach
- Swim, swim, swim
- Slept, slept, slept
- Scratched misquito bites every 10 minutes
- Local bussed it back to Liberia- so long, and so hot
- I love Burger King
- Stranded on the side of the road for 2 hours

- Tica bus to Managua
- stayed at the least condusive hotel for sleeping
- Tica bus to Tegucigalpa
- watched an absurd amount of Spanish music videos

- Local bus to Santa Rosa
- 2 days = 24 hours of Central American bus
- FINALLY HOME. Stayed in bed for about 2 days straight.
Phew! Just had to get that all out there. All in all a great trip. Stay tuned for mas detalles.
1 comment:
that list was exhausting to read! wow. so much adventure.
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