Monday, January 19, 2009

Guess What?!


I just caught my first (and probably last) chicken.We are house sitting for one of the missionary families and two of their chickens got out of the coop while we were at school. One of them was nice and went right back in, the other however was quite stubborn and was not finished gallivanting outside. Abby and I chased it all around the yard trying to corner it everywhere. Those birds are quick! And they can fly too...speedy and air power, an unbeatable combination. But after several attempts and many dashes through my legs, I finally cornered the bird, grabbed it with my two hands, and put it in it's cage.

ABBY: "Sarah, you just caught a chicken!!"

Heck yes I did. You know how I do.


The Other Ann Miller said...

Another skill! Guys like chicks with skills.

The Other Ann Miller said...
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Schragoo said...

Haha the mental picture that scene makes me think of a Charlie Chaplin clip.