Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Can I Just Tell You...

Okay, I am quite aware that I haven't updated in some time and I know you don't believe me, but I swear I am working on this matter as we speak. But something so Honduran just happened to me, I had to come straight to my blog and share.

I was walking down the street, only about two houses away from mine. As you have probably seen from my pictures, the streets are pretty narrow, as are the sidewalks. Basically, it's impossible for two people to walk side by side. Anyway, I was walking along, minding my business, as a huge semi truck type thing was driving by. Remember: narrow streets. I watched as the truck swayed this way and that trying to manage the cobblestone streets. The truck was almost touching me it was so close to the side walk. All of a sudden, time lapsed. I looked up, saw the top of the truck brush the small roof overhang of the building I was under. It scraped the roof. And it was like Looney Tunes, where the coyote sees 1000 tons falling down on him but doesn't move? Well, a shingle from the roof came undone, fell right towards me, hit me on the shoulder, bounced and landed on my foot/ankle. I believe my only words were "JESUS!" as I looked around me to see if anyone else had just witnessed this. Wait, what just happened!? I sort of stood there for a full minute, mouth open, dumbfounded. Ouch. I pretty much limped the 10 feet home. It really hurt! Shingles are heavy yo.

I'm still confused.


Pablo Kenney said...

oh no! I hope your foot feels better. Great story though.

The Other Ann Miller said...

Dear Wiley Coyote,
I don't blame you for being confused. And remember, when approaching a cliff, you must stop. If you go over a cliff, no matter how fast you pump your legs, you will fall. Take care, I love you. Yosemite Sam

Eric said...

The streets were narrow in Spain, too, and the cars and cops speed down them like no other with no forewarning! If it weren't for the small doorways leading in to the houses, you'd have one less reader! (I have to admit that I laughed a little to myself when I read this...) Was it a heavy tile? So many questions. I'll just talk to you soon on gchat :)

Sarah said...

My grandma's email reply to me after reading this blog post, it made me laugh...my favorite is the last question.

Dear Sarah,
A. Do you have a DR. you can go to and have it checked? If so did you go? Does this sort of truck come thru town often?

Grandma J

brent mOvitz said...

Wait...I want to know the answer's to Grandma miller's questions...are you better now? PS--you probably should have a doctor in honduras just in case something happens. I can recommend a good hematologist...